This was super interesting Alex! I really enjoyed reading it - the relationship between religion and capitalism is fascinating. The irony of leaders of these churches hoarding wealth feels untrue! It makes you feel like nothing is free from capitalisms influence.
HE DELIVERED. Can I get an amen in the chat?!!
This was super interesting Alex! I really enjoyed reading it - the relationship between religion and capitalism is fascinating. The irony of leaders of these churches hoarding wealth feels untrue! It makes you feel like nothing is free from capitalisms influence.
Thanks for reading, Martha! It absolutely feels like deception
Absolutely nailed it!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Thanks, Nadia! Grateful for your openness on these topics
Great stuff!
Thanks so much for reading!
Are you still volunteering at church?
No lol I think I stopped going to church regularly about 4 years ago